
Pronouns - She/Her
Language -English+French+Italian
Sign - Virgo
Specialty - Bobs + Butterfly Cuts + Dry Cutting
IG - @lena.letizia.looks

There is something comforting about the white noise of a salon. I often waited hours for my mom to end her shift, sitting quietly at the salon next door to her wine shop.
At 14, uninterested in academics and seeking a creative outlet, I began to shadow and assist hairdressers.
At 18, I graduated from the Gandini academy in Montreal and was quickly recruited. The rest is an ongoing history!

My past as a colourist, session stylist and artistic director has definitely shaped me. Today, I focus on cutting hair.
Published internationally and  working amongst other artists to create one identity was truly mind-blowing. Creating a narrative where you can really "feel" has always been my primary intention, for the viewer. As for the subject, model or client, transparency, safety and respectful boundaries always come first.

Hair is intuitive for me. It's a sculpture, a multidimensional work of art.
I often feel that I've lived many lives within this craft.
I continue to do so and believe it is why I am still here, still doing it.

My time away from our sessions is spent staring at the clouds, earthing and snuggling Willie, my dog.
