
Pronouns - She / Her
Language - French + English
Sign - Taurus
Specialty - Curls + Vivids
IG - @get.loued

I graduated from Académie Pure in Montréal in spring 2017 and went on to work in a private studio for 2 1/2 years as an assistant and eventually junior hairstylist. I have now been with TH for two years and i have loved the ambiance, staff and mentality since the beginning. It feels like a really fun and safe space for me as a gay women and is the kind of environment i want my clients to be in. 

My strength as a stylist is to understand curls in any form, shape, size or length. They fascinate me and my goal is to keep creating a space where my curly haired clients feel comfortable and seen in my chair as I have long struggled to feel that way myself in the past. I also have a strong formation with all things vivid and funky colours and creative placements. 

When I’m not doing hair you can catch me cuddling puppies, relaxing like the Taurus I am, snacking or getting skateboarding lessons by my girlfriend. 
