Sara-Isobel Mulder aka Izzy

Pronouns - She / He/ Muppet
Language - English + Some French
Sign - Gemini
Specialty - Razor Cuts + Bobs + Shags              + Curls

After graduating from Lasalle college in 2004, I quickly realized that hair salons were not my cup of tea. I found traditional salons to be outdated in their general mentality and I had a hard time respecting how they were run, how people got paid, and how staff and clients were treated. Not to mention the amount of waste the beauty industry creates.

I decided to leave hair salons altogether in 2007 and began working from home. After many years of washing hair in my bathtub (I still have back issues) I opened a one woman show called Shaving Grace. It was a modest studio in the infamous Dimitri Building in the heart of Mile End. Myself, my dog Boy, and my client base quickly outgrew the space and in 2013 Two Horses was born.

The goal was to create an unpretentious environment where everyone would feel welcomed and safe. A space where we could work independently as artists and support the causes that are close to our hearts.  

Recently, I travelled to Sanfrancisco to learn advanced razor cutting with Jayne Mathews (Edo Salon) and a creative styling class with Dennis Lanni, who are both legends in the industry.  Not only did i learn a few tricks that i apply to most of cuts, i came back to MTL with a full heart. I am so proud of Two Horses and the warmth and kindness the incredible team and space embodies. Two Horses has attracted like-minded people of all age groups and demographics and I hope that it will continue to do so for years to come. I am so grateful for all who have walked through our door over the last decade. I've learned so much from all of you! 

A little about my favourite hair things:
Im obsessed with perms-the higher the hair the the closer to GOD. I love to cut all types of hair, 70's inspired shags, 60's French bobs, all curl types and razor cutting.  When razor cutting is done correctly it can bring out texture that you didnt know you had. There is nothing quite like seeing your face when you find out you have curly hair! I appreciate a big bouncy blowout but i prefer hair in it's natural element. For me, hair should look good when you leave the salon, when you wake up, dirty, clean, partied in, you name it! I am all about wash and GO! 
I do colour as well, but cutting is my love language. I enjoy a balayage or a  full bleach out, glosses and traditional highlights. I love to do simple wedding hair that lets your natural beauty shine! In October of 2023, i had the opportunity to do the hair for my dear freind's wedding in Palermo,Sicily. The wedding was held at the stunning Villa Tasca (from the show White Lotus.) And yes, it was a wild wedding! I swear "the gays" would have killed me if i stayed one more day. It ended up being published in Vogue, UK.  Check it out!
After 20 years in the hair game, I can truly say that I am a very well rounded hairstylist who will listen to you and respect your budget and goals. 

When I am not in the salon I am probably hanging out with my dogs, organizing something, painting nudes and cooking delicious things. 
